Hormone therapy West Allis, WI - Renewal Hormone Clinic

An Introduction to Hormone Imbalances and Replacement Therapy

The human body is an intricate system, with many hormones working together to regulate essential processes and functions. As we age or experience certain health conditions, these hormones can become imbalanced, leading to unpleasant symptoms and increased risk for disease. Fortunately, advanced hormone replacement therapy can help restore optimal hormone levels, improve quality of life, and protect long-term health.

What Causes Hormone Imbalances?

There are several potential causes of troublesome hormone deficiency, including:

Normal aging: As we grow older, hormone levels naturally decline over time. Dropping estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and other hormones leads to issues like hot flashes, low libido, weight gain, fatigue, mood changes, muscle loss, cognitive decline and more in middle aged and senior adults. Replacing deficient hormones counteracts aging's effects.

Medical conditions: Certain disorders directly impact hormone production and balance. These include adrenal fatigue, pituitary tumors or injury, premature ovarian failure, injury or disease in glands like the ovaries/testes, thyroid issues leading to metabolic imbalances, and other chronic health problems. Treatment of the underlying condition along with hormone therapy provides the best results.

Menopause and andropause: The natural decline in reproductive hormone production that happens in midlife is known as menopause in women and andropause in men. Supporting the body with bioidentical estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and other hormones during this transition optimizes wellness.

Lifestyle factors: Aspects like chronic stress, poor sleep, malnutrition, obesity, lack of activity, smoking and alcohol abuse negatively impact endocrine health. Optimal self-care combined with hormone replacement aids in restoring balance.

Inherited conditions: Genetic conditions like Turner’s syndrome in women and Klinefelter’s syndrome in men can make hormone production inadequate. Hormone replacement ensures stable, healthy levels.

No matter what causes hormone disruption, restoring balance is essential. When left unchecked, deficiencies can significantly reduce quality of life in the short term and endanger long term wellbeing. Our compassionate practitioners help identify hormone imbalances through advanced testing, create customized treatment plans, and walk with you on your journey toward renewed vitality.

Our services

Which Hormones Are Replaced?

There are over 50 hormones coursing through the human bloodstream. At Renewal Hormone Clinic, we often recommend replacing the following hormones using a personalized prescription:

Under our practitioners' guidance, balancing all necessary hormones is achievable. Our center offers cutting edge testing that uncovers hidden insufficiencies, advanced therapies to optimize levels including bioidentical hormones, nutritional IVs for amplification, and attentive medical supervision for the duration of treatment. With Renewal Hormone Clinic, reclaiming a vibrant state of equilibrium is within reach!

Benefits of Hormone Replacement in Deficiency

Allowing hormone levels to remain inadequate over time invariably leads to loss of health, happiness and functionality. However, effectively replacing lacking hormones offers a multitude of worthwhile benefits to middle aged and older men and women! These include:

Restored Energy and Endurance - Balancing hormones revitalizes the body and banishes persistent exhaustion. Activities become enjoyable once more with renewed vigor.

Healthy Body Composition and Metabolism - Proper weight management is easier with sound hormone balance, cutting excess fat storage while increasing lean muscle strength and integrity.

Enhanced Cognition and Focus - Mental sharpness often deteriorates along with declining hormones. Bringing levels into balance through replacement reawakens clarity and concentration.

Elevated Mood and Emotional Wellbeing - Imbalanced hormones frequently manifest as anxiety, sadness, irritability and emotional hypersensitivity. Optimal hormonal health stabilizes mood, relieves distress and enhances overall disposition.

Improved Quality of Sleep - Disrupted sleep-wake cycles commonly occur, depriving the body of sufficient rest for ideal functioning. Leveling hormones enables high quality, restorative sleep.

Bolstered Immunity and Cellular Health - Hormones like DHEA provide critical support for immune response and cellular performance. Augmenting levels when they drop too low gives vital systems new life.

Uplifted Sex Drive and Sensation - Vanishing libido is a chief complaint for many deficient adults. Restoring hormonal equilibrium returns enjoyable desire and arousal.

Strengthened Bones and Muscles - Lean tissues like muscle and bone depend on hormones to retain density and fortitude over the years. Repletion protects against deterioration that leads to future fracture and frailty risk.

Slowed Aging and Disease Risk - Imbalanced hormones accelerate cellular aging and susceptibility to degenerative disease. Replacement helps uphold robust function and a healthful state of being longer in life’s process.

Renewal Hormone Clinic offers access to hormone optimization that profoundly and positively transforms patients’ daily lived experience. Our cutting edge therapies aim to make each moment vibrant, empowering patients to pursue passions with rejuvenated purpose.

Restore balance and improve your quality of life!

Basics of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

When attempting hormone restoration after deficiency manifests, utilizing bioidentical hormones provides the greatest efficacy with minimal side effects. At Renewal Hormone Clinic, we exclusively prescribe natural, bioidentical hormones expertly tailored to your unique biochemistry. But what precisely does “bioidentical” mean?

Defining Bioidentical Hormones

The term bioidentical refers to hormones that are 100% identical on a molecular level to the hormones produced by the human body. No drugs or animal byproducts are used. As carbon copies of our innate human hormones, they seamlessly integrate and begin reviving function once supplementation commences.

Common bioidentical hormones include:

These are most frequently prescribed for replenishment after age or health related decline. However, bioidentical forms of other hormones like cortisol, aldosterone or insulin may also be utilized on occasion when a specific need arises.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Protocol Basics

Each patient undergoes a thorough evaluation, including blood work, symptom assessment, lifestyle analysis and discussion of therapeutic goals. An intricate hormonal profile is shaped based on all gathered data. After developing a holistic understanding of the patient’s status, our practitioners are equipped to outline the bioidentical hormone replacement protocol.

Some parameters of a typical protocol at Renewal Hormone Clinic include:

By working as a health team, the practitioner sets up a dynamic protocol while the patient commits to consistency and openness during follow through. Together, balance becomes beautifully attainable.

Administration Methods for Bioidentical Hormones

Our center provides multiple options for taking bioidentical hormones based on the patient’s preference:

No matter which method selected as most fitting, our superb practitioners make replenishment smooth and successful. Patients become empowered agents actively restoring hormonal health!

Renewal Hormone Clinic Practices Full Disclosure

In adherence with informed consent values, Renewal Hormone Clinic openly supplies facts on:

We believe partnership prospers through transparency. Feel free to ask practitioners all questions stirring internally - nothing is off limits!

Interesting fact

Hormone therapy can help transgender individuals match their physical characteristics with their gender identity. Studies show that when started at a young age, hormone therapy allows transgender youth to develop self-confidence and have mental health outcomes comparable to their non-transgender peers.

Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men

Just as hormones decline in aging women, testosterone and other androgens fall progressively lower in the aging male population beginning around age 30. Dubbed andropause and often called “Low T”, this biological shift robs vitality on multiple fronts when left unaddressed. Thankfully, Renewal Hormone Clinic offers expert male hormone replacement therapy in West Allis for reclaiming peak energy and wellness throughout the life cycle.

Why Do Men Need HRT?

Suffering through symptoms of Low T negatively impacts quality of life and endangers long term health. As testosterone, DHEA and growth hormone production from endocrine glands like the testes declines with age, men may contend with:

If multiple symptoms resonate and blood tests confirm low levels of key androgens, customized male hormone replacement therapy is clearly warranted.

Elements of Male HRT Protocol

After extensive lab testing uncovers the extent hormone imbalance, we craft integrated treatment plans to target restoration of optimal equilibrium. Male hormone replacement through Renewal Hormone Clinic entails:


Supportive Androgen Repletion

Additional Ancillary Therapies

With extensive knowledge of the aging male physiology and access to the most innovative revitalizing interventions on the market, the practitioners at Renewal Hormone Clinic confidently restore spark and stamina as a man’s body changes across the lifespan. We empower patients to claim authority within during a complex bodily shift.

Take control of your hormone health today!

Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women

Women suffer an abrupt change as reproductive capacity ceases in midlife, termed menopause. Shifts can begin years before menses fully stop as perimenopause unfolds. Falling estrogen and progesterone usher in hot flashes, sleep changes, mood swings, pain with intimacy, recurring infections, skin changes and more disruptive concerns. Let Renewal Hormone Clinic smoothly guide you through hormone balancing during this biological transition!

Putting Perimenopause in Perspective

Well before menopause officially occurs around age 50, estrogen and progesterone start fluctuating then dipping lower as ovarian function begins to decline. These years of variability culminating is fully stopped menses is termed perimenopause. Changes start subtly but become more intense over 2-8 years. Swings during this phase include:

Monitoring labs, acknowledging symptoms, and proactively supplementing with bioidentical hormones helps smooth unpredictable shifts during the menopausal transition. We also address lifestyle factors like nutrition, movement, and stress levels that influence experience.

Elements of Female HRT Protocols

After labs thoroughly assess hormone levels and discussion identifies troublesome signs and symptoms, our practitioners thoughtfully design replacement therapy catered to the woman’s unique needs. Custom protocols wisely address:




Thyroid hormone

Androgen precursors

Additional Support

We recognize every woman has unique needs and goals for this profound life transition called menopause. Customization provides the ultimate in symptom relief, empowerment and gentle support into the next thriving chapter!

Importance of Timely Diagnosis and Treatment of Hormone Imbalance

Allowing hormone deficiency to linger long term almost always culminates in heightened severity of side effects plus substantial risks to future wellness. Therefore, promptly addressing imbalanced levels through testing and therapy proves paramount. Don’t

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